Shall rotten fruit now be consumable 
or deemed acceptable 
In The Sight Of God 
The Author Of 
The Law 
We reap only conflicting knowledge from 
our many interpretations and our 
manipulations of that 
which is clearly defined in 
the Torah of Moses and Refined By  
Jesus in The New Testament ! 
Confusion and disagreement 
are of those that doubt 
as the tribes of 
Israel did 
later as 
the pharisees 
considered Jesus a 
liar and a blasphemer 
...surely insane !!! 
                                   And I ask you...Who 
                                                                             is insane ?
...That Law Which Was Established By 
God Himself And Upheld By 
His Son Jesus 
That Was Made Just 
And Perfect 
The InvitationThe_Invitation.htmlThe_Invitation.htmlshapeimage_2_link_0
Father God’s SymphonyFather_Gods_Symphony.htmlFather_Gods_Symphony.htmlshapeimage_3_link_0
From The WellFrom_The_Well.htmlFrom_The_Well.htmlshapeimage_4_link_0
The BooksThe_Door_to_the_Books.htmlThe_Door_to_the_Books.htmlshapeimage_5_link_0
The LawThe_Law.htmlThe_Law.htmlshapeimage_6_link_0
The JourneyThe_Journey.htmlThe_Journey.htmlshapeimage_7_link_0
When You’re ReadyWhen_Youre_Ready.htmlWhen_Youre_Ready.htmlshapeimage_8_link_0
The Narrow PathThe_Narrow_Path.htmlThe_Narrow_Path.htmlshapeimage_9_link_0
A Gift For YouA_Gift_For_You.htmlA_Gift_For_You.htmlshapeimage_10_link_0
The WalkThe_Walk_Before_the_Walk_1.htmlThe_Walk_Before_the_Walk_1.htmlshapeimage_11_link_0